Pier and Lift Information:
The Association pays for the cost of one lift per Lot owner that is owed to the WRPCO. They charge us each year based on their count of the lifts that are in the water each season on Longview Point. If you have more that one boat/wave-runner that requires a lift, you need to pay for the cost of a second or third lift to the association and that payment will be given to WRPCO. The extra cost to you of more than one lift is reflected on the lift registration form.
LIFT REGISTRATION: If you will be putting a lift on your designated pier in the spring YOU MUST fill out the Lift Registration Form. You can mail the completed form to Mike White at his address on the form or EMAIL it to him at PETENWELLLIFTS@GMAIL.COM
Click on the following link to access the form:
Homeowners must make their own arrangement for installation and removal of boat lifts.
Piers will begin to be removed at that time.
All Lifts should be raised to their maximum height for removal.
Your Name needs to be on your lift.
Owners are responsible for contacting their company to remove the lift
Brad at B&B Enterprises 608-547-2418
Tyler at Dock Masters 715-459-3686